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CK MB/ Myoglobin/ Troponin I Combo Test Device

The One Step CK-MB/ Myoglobin/ Troponin I Combo Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a qualitative, membrane based immunoassay for the detection of Myoglobin, CK-MB and Troponin I in whole blood, serum or plasma. The membrane is pre-coated with specific capture antibodies in each of the test line regions of the test. During testing, the whole blood, serum or plasma specimen reacts with the particle coated with specific antibodies. The mixture migrates upward on the membrane chromatographically by capillary action to react with specific capture reagents on the membrane and generate a colored line. The presence of this colored line in the specific test line region indicates a positive result, while its absence indicates a negative result. To serve as a procedural control, a colored line will always appear in the control line region indicating that proper volume of specimen has been added and membrane wicking has occurred.

Kit Components

The test contains anti-Myoglobin antibody coated particles, anti-CK-MB antibody coated particles, anti-Troponin I antibody coated particles, and capture reagents coated on the membrane.
· Test devices
· Droppers
· Buffer
· Package insert

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